
La professoressa Angela Abela insegna psicologia clinica e conduce tirocini di terapia familiare all'interno della Facoltà del benessere sociale dell'Università di Malta. Come psicologa clinica, terapeuta familiare e supervisore sistemico, lavora con le coppie, i bambini e le loro famiglie, e supervisiona gli operatori in questo settore. Ha pubblicato molto su questi temi, e nel 2014 è stata co-editore di Contemporary Issues in Family Studies:Global Perspectives in Partnerships, Parenting and Support in a Changing World (Wiley-Blackwell). E’ co-autrice di Intervening after violence, Therapy for couples and Families (Springer, 2017), e nel 2020 è stata co-editore di Couple Relationships in a Global Context: Understanding Love and Intimacy across Cultures (Springer). È editore consulente internazionale di Contemporary Family Therapy.
Professor Angela Abela teaches clinical psychology and family therapy trainees within the Faculty for Social Wellbeing at the University of Malta. As a clinical psychologist, family therapist and systemic supervisor, she also works with couples, children and their families and supervises practitioners in this area. She published widely in this area and in 2014 co-edited Contemporary Issues in Family Studies:Global Perspectives in Partnerships, Parenting and Support in a Changing World with Wiley-Blackwell, co-authored Intervening after violence, Therapy for couples and Families with Springer (2017) and in 2020 co-edited Couple Relationships in a Global Context: Understanding Love and Intimacy across Cultures with Springer. She is an international advisory editor of Contemporary Family Therapy.