Carmen Knudson-Martin, PhD, LMFT, è Prof.ssa del programma di terapia coniugale, di coppia e familiare presso il Lewis & Clark College, Portland OR, USA. Ha pubblicato più di 80 articoli e capitoli sull'influenza del contesto socioculturale nelle relazioni di coppia e familiari, e sulle implicazioni politiche ed etiche dell'operato dei terapeuti sull'uguaglianza coniugale, lo sviluppo relazionale e la terapia di coppia. Inoltre, è l'ideatrice della Terapia di Relazione Socio-Emotiva. Carmen è editore/autrice di tre libri: Socio-Emotional Relationship Therapy-Bridging Emotion, Societal Context, and Couple Interaction; Couples, Gender, and Power-Creating Change in Intimate Relationships; e Socioculturally Attuned Family Therapy: Guidelines for Equitable Theory and Practice. Nel 2017, ha ricevuto nel il premio Distinguished Contribution to Family Therapy Theory and Practice dall'American Academy of Family Therapy.
Carmen Knudson-Martin, PhD, LMFT, is professor of Marital, Couple, and Family Therapy Program at Lewis & Clark College, Portland OR, USA. She has published over 80 articles and book chapters on the influence of the larger sociocultural context in couple and family relationships and the political and ethical implications of therapist actions on marital equality, relational development, and couple therapy and the developer of Socio-Emotional Relationship Therapy. Carmen is editor/author of three books: Socio-Emotional Relationship Therapy–Bridging Emotion, Societal Context, and Couple Interaction; Couples, Gender, and Power–Creating Change in Intimate Relationships; and Socioculturally Attuned Family Therapy: Guidelines for Equitable Theory and Practice. She was the 2017 recipient of the Distinguished Contribution to Family Therapy Theory and Practice award from the American Academy of Family Therapy.