Sono un Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT, terapeuta del matrimonio e della famiglia) e ricercatore (PhD) presso la Oklahoma State University. Conduco ricerche e insegno corsi sulle relazioni intime e sulla terapia di coppia. Ho pubblicato numerosi articoli e presentato a conferenze nazionali e internazionali. Attualmente sono segretario del Couples and Intimate Relationships Interest Network dell'AAMFT, presidente eletto della sezione di terapia familiare del NCFR, e presto sarò editore della rivista Family Process. Attualmente sto scrivendo libri sulla Supervisione Sistemica Integrativa e sulla Terapia Sistemica Integrativa per coppie.
I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and Assistant Professor (PhD) at Oklahoma State University. I conduct research and teach courses on intimate relationships and couple therapy. I have published numerous papers and presented at national and international conferences. I currently serve as the secretary for the Couples and Intimate Relationships Interest Network at AAMFT, as the Chair-Elect for the Family Therapy Section at NCFR, and will soon be serving as an Associate Editor for the journal Family Process. I am currently co-writing books on Integrative Systemic Supervision and Integrative Systemic Therapy for Couples.