Sono psicologo per coppie e famiglie (ABPP), terapeuta sessuale (AASECT), ricercatore clinico presso la Brigham Young University, e istruttore presso il Family Institute della Northwestern University. Sono il segretario della Society for Couple and Family Psychology dell'American Psychological Association, membro del consiglio di amministrazione dell'American Academy of Couple and Family Psychology, e sono stato capo editore dell'Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy.
I am a board certified couple and family psychologist (ABPP), certified sex therapist (AASECT), and assistant clinical professor at Brigham Young University, and an adjunct instructor at The Family Institute at Northwestern University. I am the secretary for the Society for Couple and Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association, member at large on the board of the American Academy of Couple and Family Psychology, and past managing editor for the Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy.