
Beatrice Beebe Ph.D. è Professore clinico di Psicologia (in Psichiatria), presso la facoltà College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University; e presso il dipartimento di Psichiatria Infantile e Adolescenziale, New York State Psychiatric Institute. Dirige un laboratorio di ricerca sulla comunicazione madre-neonato. È docente presso diversi istituti psicoanalitici e ha uno studio privato per adulti e coppie madre-figlio. È autrice o coautrice di 6 libri e 77 articoli. Il libro più recente è The Mother-Infant Interaction Picture Book: Origins of Attachment (Beebe, Cohen & Lachman, Norton, 2016). Per un decennio ha diretto un progetto di prevenzione primaria pro bono per le madri incinte e vedove dell'11 settembre (Beebe, Cohen, Sossin, & Markese, Eds., Mothers, Infants and Young Children of September 11, 2001: A Primary Prevention Project, 2012). Un documentario sulla sua ricerca è disponibile online (sul sito del Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing [PEPweb], Mother-Infant Communication: The Research of Dr. Beatrice Beebe, di Karen Dougherty, 2016). E’ presente online un suo discorso di mezz'ora chiamato Decoding the Nonverbal Language of Babies.
Beatrice Beebe Ph.D. is Clinical Professor of Psychology (in Psychiatry), College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University; Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York State Psychiatric Institute. She directs a basic research lab on mother-infant communication. She is faculty at several psychoanalytic institutes, and she has a private practice for adults and mother-infant pairs. She is author or co-author of 6 books and 77 peer-reviewed articles. The most recent book is The mother-infant interaction picture book: Origins of attachment (Beebe, Cohen & Lachman, Norton, 2016). For a decade she directed a pro bono primary prevention project for mothers who were pregnant and widowed on 9-11 (Beebe, Cohen, Sossin, & Markese, Eds., Mothers, infants and young children of September 11, 2001: A primary prevention project, 2012). A documentary film about her research is available (website of the Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing [PEPweb], Mother-Infant Communication: The Research of Dr. Beatrice Beebe, by Karen Dougherty, 2016). She has a half-hour internet talk, Decoding the nonverbal language of babies.