Amit Shrira è professore ordinario di psicologia clinica alla Bar-Ilan University, in Israele. La sua ricerca si è focalizzata sugli effetti dei traumi collettivi e sulla trasmissione intergenerazionale delle esperienze traumatiche. Ha scritto numerosi articoli scientifici e libri sul trauma dell’Olocausto nelle nuove generazioni arrivando, inoltre, ad occuparsi, negli ultimi anni, degli effetti del trauma nelle generazioni in altri contesti e situazioni oltre al genocidio degli ebrei. Il professor Shrira ha ricevuto, nel 2015, l’Early Career Award dalla Stress and Anxiety Research Society. Fa parte del comitato editoriale di diverse riviste scientifiche e svolge attività clinica con adulti e anziani.
Amit Shrira is a full professor at the Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences at Bar-Ilan University. He serves as the deputy chair of the department and supervises the Social Sciences track in the MA Gerontology program. His research program is focused on late life effects of massive trauma and its intergenerational transmission. He has written extensively about the long-term effects of the Holocaust on survivors, their adult children and grandchildren. In recent years he began studying massive trauma and intergenerational transmission among other traumatized groups around the world. Professor Shrira is the recipient of the 2015 Early Career Award granted by the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, and is currently serving as an associate editor and editorial board member in several high-impact scientific journals. In addition to his scholarly activities, he is a practicing clinical psychologist working with adults and older adults.