
Fabio Monguzzi, psicologo e psicoterapeuta, vive e lavora a Milano, Italy. Libero professionista, si occupa di psicoterapia individuale e di coppia e svolge attività di supervisione e di insegnamento presso Centri e Istituti di formazione. E' International Member of the Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology, membro dell'International Association of Couple and Family Psychoanalysis (IACFP) e dell'International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. Ha pubblicato diversi contributi sui temi delle relazioni di coppia tra i quali i volumi "La coppia come paziente" (F.Angeli, 2006) "Curare la coppia" (F.Angeli, 2010) e "Le ferite della genitorialità " (F.Angeli, 2015)
Fabio Monguzzi, psychologist and psychotherapist, lives and works in Milan, Italy. A freelance professional, he deals with individual and couples' psychotherapy and carries out supervision and teaching activities at training centers and institutes. He is International Member of the Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology, member of the International Association of Couple and Family Psychoanalysis (IACFP) and of the International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. He has published several contributions on the topics of relationships, including the volumes "The couple as a patient" (F.Angeli, 2006) "Treating the couple" (F.Angeli, 2010) and "The wounds of parenting" (F.Angeli, 2015).